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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
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Get resources ideal for small business owners that have been in business for over a year.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 4904
Simple Step to a Well-Run Business

You've started your business now it's time to thrive. With the support of SCORE mentors, you can turn your small business dreams into reality

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Simple Steps for Starting Your Business #1 - December 16th

Start-up Basics: This introductory workshop focuses on the basics of testing your business idea and identifying the key factors that influence start-up success. Start-up Basics provides you with an overview of the skills and tools you need when deciding to start a business. In this session, you learn about: the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business, the most profitable form for your business, and the fundamentals of formation, organization, marketing, cash flow and funding sources.

Unique Recruitment Strategies

Ditch the job boards and learn how to meet happy humans and hire them! If job boards are draining your bank account and leaving you frustrated and doubting humanity, join us today to learn how to recruit uniquely for your organization.

Content Marketing

Learn how to create content that builds trust, inspires loyalty, and positions your brand as the go-to expert in your industry!

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Simple Steps for Starting Your Business #1 - December 4th

Start-up Basics: This introductory workshop focuses on the basics of testing your business idea and identifying the key factors that influence start-up success. Start-up Basics provides you with an overview of the skills and tools you need when deciding to start a business. In this session, you learn about: the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business, the most profitable form for your business, and the fundamentals of formation, organization, marketing, cash flow and funding sources.

How Nonprofit Founders Get Paid!

Are you curious about how nonprofit founders receive compensation? If so, then this workshop is perfect for you! We'll dive into the fascinating world of nonprofit organizations and explore the various ways founders can get paid.

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Simple Steps for Starting Your Business #1 - November 18th

Start-up Basics: This introductory workshop focuses on the basics of testing your business idea and identifying the key factors that influence start-up success. Start-up Basics provides you with an overview of the skills and tools you need when deciding to start a business. In this session, you learn about: the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business, the most profitable form for your business, and the fundamentals of formation, organization, marketing, cash flow and funding sources.

712 H St NE PMB 98848
Washington, DC 20002

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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